Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Long Overdue Intro and Salutations

I decided a few more than a few months ago that I would begin blogging. I am a fucking snowflake and my story must be heard! Then I procrastinated and sat on the idea until today. So hello internet and a pleasure to meet you! You might know me from Facebook, but probably not because I'm a tad antisocial. Anyways, I digress. I have a lot going on right now but will do my best to remain coherent and occasionally informational. Things you should know about me before committing your eyeballs to our relationship in some particular order:

I was a human before I was a mom, but I'm indeed a mom now so I will likely wax poetic, vent frustration and gush about my progenies often. My eldest child's name is Freyja. She is wily, wiry, inquisitive and much like her father, equal parts lifesaver and worthy foe. She was born on the 10th of November, 2012. 10, 11, 12. She is one of the few aspects of my life that occurred in a logical order, on paper at least. My second bundle of genes is expected to arrive on the 7th of June, 2014. I will be the proud mama of two under two, and I'm legitimately excited for this upheaval.

I have a bit of an iron habit. I have taken the controversial stance that being pregnant does not, in fact, make me a delicate and exhaustible flower. Much like I did before during and after my first pregnancy, I lift heavy things often. Worry not though, dear friend. I'm a former motivation slinger and am no stranger to the bar. I know my body well and trust it to let me know my limits as I reach them. I will delve further into the controversy but the importance of this topic, I believe, deserves the focus of another day.

I shrug convention for function and believe strongly in holding cause and effect above "how things should be". I'm an introvert. If you're into giving credit to the whole MBTI personality test racket I am classified as an INTJ. This type is estimated to represent 1-3% of the female population, and the description suits me well. I was not an overly maternal person before having my daughter, but what my personality lacks in the warmth of more traditionally feminine types it makes up for in sensitive observation, creativity and a constant application of "is it working?". I believe it takes all kinds to raise a human, I happen to be a kind you hear about less often. Because of an inclination to do things For Science! I am taking the experience of two closely spaced pregnancies to chronicle my experiences in remaining strong, fit and healthy throughout my journey. I live for a challenge and have decided to be my own experiment in this regard.

More to come!

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